Deep Listening - Yoga & Sound
I attended the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London and enjoyed watching Lisa Sanfilippo and Jason Kalidas. They combined music and Yoga together. Listening to the music was a relaxing experience. Yoga is a good exercise to do, as it keeps your attention on what you are doing (Keeps you in the moment) and helps the body with fitness. Lisa was very flexible, and I was amazed at some of the movements she achieved, its amazing what the physical body is capable of.
Aura Reading

I have been able to see my Aura, but always wanted to confirm that the colour was Turquoise. I managed to get a photo of my Aura and found out that I had been right in thinking that my arms had Turquoise around them and my head had yellow and green around the top of it. I also received a Aura Reading, which was quite insightful, I was told that I was very communicative and must take care of my emotions. This reading was quite significant to me at the time. The Aura can change from minute to minute according to your emotions, but it is said that there is always a base colour that stays the same.
Diana Cooper
Healing Angels were walking around the Festival and a member of my family was fortunate enough
to get a healing from one of them. She also held my hand for a short amount of time and I felt warmth and love from this lady.
I also picked up a Meditation CD ' Meditation to connect with Archangel Michael' I listened to this and found it to be so relaxing and protecting. The CD focuses on the Throat Chakra which is the blue Chakra and explains how this is related to freedom of speech. We can use the Colour blue, and the Gem Stones Aquamarine, Turquoise and
Chalcedony to help us clear negative energy within the Throat Chakra.