Gentle Healing

Gentle Healing
Trust in the Universe

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Medieval Festival Ruislip

I visited the Medieval Festival this morning and found it quite interesting. Its good to see the local community coming together. There were lots of things to look at and crafts to take part in. A good place to bring the children to, as it was very entertaining.

I thought the history of the Manor farm where the Medieval Festival was held was particularly interesting. The Manor Farm House Museum was full of information about the restoration of the buildings on the Farm. There were details on how the age of the buildings were researched, this was done by counting the rings in the wood of which the buildings were built from. I was fascinated to find that they discovered honey comb in the walls of one of the buildings. They also had found an original piece of one of the holy caskets, which depicted an angel holding a sword.

The community dress up to demonstrate Medieval history of the Manor, selling produce and showing weapons from the Medieval times. They have a Medieval encampment and demonstrate Medieval battles. If the farming interests you, they also have original farming equipment displayed in one of the barns.

My friends had a display for the local shows, as they take part in the plays in the local theatres. Overall it was a fun morning, very social, entertaining and educational.