Gentle Healing

Gentle Healing
Trust in the Universe

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Angel Card Readings

Im loving giving Angel card readings as its interesting to see what kind of cards are revealed for each person. The Angels always surprise me with their messages. I am looking forwards to doing more in the future. I have a new pack of cards which i would like to use called Enchanted Map. Im just getting comfortable with these cards, they were a buy in Glastonbury.

Reiki Gift

I get some lovely messages and feelings when I give Reiki. I sometimes feel huge amounts of love and peace. I am often given messages or colours to mention to the receiver. I am given hints that lead me towards infomation about a persons well being. For example, i may get a thought about a certain part of the body or a feeling. Sometimes i am given a message that is so strong that i have to pass it to the receiver. These things dont always happen, but i always love working with Reiki as the experience is different everytime.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Glastonbury Trip at Daisy Retreat

I had a lovely couple of days in Glastonbury. I stayed at the Daisy Centre where I had a peaceful time and met some lovely people. The Daisy Centre always make me feel so welcome. I received several spiritual messages from the Angel Awakening cards, as they were left in my room and at breakfast.

The Daisy Centre has several rooms named after the Arch Angels. I stayed in Raphaels room. Raphael is a healing angel.
The Daisy Centre also has a sanctuary where they hold meditations, this room has a lovely peaceful feel to it and is nice to relax in.

I also enjoy Glastonbury for the shops and the friendly atmosphere. This visit had me experiencing some healing and massage. I also got to chat with and meet some new people. I must make my stay longer next time. Thanks Daisy and Glastonbury for the peaceful stay.

Glastonbury Hidden Well Experience

I visited the Hidden Well in Glastonbury and received a massage with hot stones, natural oils and healing. The Healing cleared my mind and the massage relaxed my body. I also had a lemon tea and a chat with Veronica of the Hidden Well. Thankyou for the massage and chat Veronica.