I remember when I lived in Glastonbury, driving from work back home and passing the Tor at night. It was a magical experience. Just to think, I only lived down the road from the Tor at the time.
Gentle Healing

Trust in the Universe
Sunday, 2 November 2014
I Remember
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Caregivers Receive a Free Drop of Reiki
Calling all Caregivers, I have a message for you all. We are helping others, but lets not forget about ourselves. Reiki can help us to relax and recharge our batteries, helping us to feel better. Our work can be emotionally and physically challenging at times, but is very rewarding. If we are feeling good it also helps our clients to feel positive too. I can give you a drop of reiki for free. Follow me on Twitter @HaleGoddess or see my website www.adropofreiki.co.uk for details about Reiki healing. Get in touch :)
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Whats Next?
Now I am back in London, I am doing some research on crystal grids and protection. I will be giving a drop of reiki at public venues soon, just having a look at different fayres and charity events. Watch this blog or follow me on Twitter @HaleGoddess and I will let you know when you can come along and receive a drop of reiki. I am also doing card readings. Lots of other plans are also in the pipeline.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Spirited Sunday
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Goddess Temple
I visited the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury to meditate and relax, release worries and stress. I received guidance and love through meditating. The temple is open to the public for free. Anyone can go along to the temple, just to sit quietly or meditate. Its a peaceful safe space to light a candle, say thanks and send out love and light. The Goddess will always be in my heart.
Mind Body Spirit
Im visiting the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London this Sunday, in the hope of getting some inspiration for the next step on my healing and career path. Its difficult not to be overwhelmed by the amount of exhibitors and information there will be, especially the free meditations and talks. I will be looking for some more cards and perhaps some more chrystals to add to my collection. Amethysts are my favourite as they make me feel protected.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Year of Change?
Here I am at my new home in Somerset. Its been such a spiritual and loving experience. It feels like home from home. I received an amazing farewell from friends in London and a warm welcome from everyone here in Somerset. Everything feels good. I want to send my thanks to everyone, as you have all been so supportive. I am still trying my best to bring things together with work. I know that if its supposed to work it will. I miss you all in London.
I had a lovely day today, walking around the shops. I met some new people. I always end up talking with people when I leave the house. I go to a meditation group regularly now and bump into people from the group in town, we always have a chat. Anyway, blessings to everyone in London and in Somerset xxx