Gentle Healing

Gentle Healing
Trust in the Universe

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Move and Groove...We love Fitness!!

Fitness is also good for the spirit and the soul. I go to a Zumba class  and  Linedancing classes. The best way to keep fit is to find a class you enjoy. If you have problems with your fitness, it is always best to tell the teacher before you start the class. Pilates is especially good for the back, as it strengthens the core muscles ( stomach muscles ).  Dancing is a fun way of keeping fit.
The below video is of a few basic steps from 'Zumba fitness', we have learnt some of these steps, but we don't look as fit as

This lady below, talks about how Pilates can help strengthen the back, I will be putting further info about this on my future blog posts and also on my website. I have been doing pilates classes and find it is a good way of keeping our stomach muscles flat and toned. The breathing techniques are very important and you must learn them before you do any of the Pilates moves. Always take the class at your own pace and do what you can do...

Now back to the fun stuff! I know the 'Electric Slide' dance. Its really fun and this guy looks like hes enjoying teaching it...

As you can see, Line dancing is repetitive, this makes it easy to learn. It can also be danced to really popular music, so its not all country style stuff. Its another dance class where you can work at your own pace too and there are lots of variations to each step, so its up to you which ones you choose to use.

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    Kisses Alinne:

